tisdag 17 april 2012

Tiger adopts piglets

Såg den här söta bilden på facebook idag. Jag tycker den är urgullig! Texten som står till lyder såhär:
In California, a tiger gave birth to 3 baby tigers. Due to difficult pregnancy, babies were born prematurely and due to their small size, they died shortly after the birth. After recovering, the mother tiger suddenly started to lose health, although physically she was fine. Veterinarians believed that the loss of her litter has caused depression. So they decided to put babies from another tiger, perhaps, her condition would improve. Unfortunately it turned out that it is impossible to obtain tiger babies of the right age for a grieving mother. But the solution was found, it is on the photo. 

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-498789/The-tiger-adopted-litter-piglets-tale-porkies.html kan det dock vara uppgjort. Hur mycket av det som skrivs som är sant vet jag inte. En sak som är sann är att tigermamman är uppfostrad av ett so. Och det är väl gulligt?

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